Cammino Minerario Di Santa Barbara



Two more Posadas will be added to the list!

The Municipality of Fluminimaggiore granted the building of the industrial complex of the former Su Zurfuru mine and the Arenas real estate complex on free loan to the CMSB Foundation. On 29 March, the President of the CMSB Foundation, Mauro Usai, and the Mayor of Fluminimaggiore, Marco Corrias, signed the relative agreements. Soon CMSB pilgrims […]

Public tender for the disbursement of contributions to organizations and associations operating in the territory of the Santa Barbara Mining Path Foundation – year 2023

Below is the documentation relating to the “Public tender for the disbursement of contributions to organizations and associations operating in the territory of the Santa Barbara Mining Path Foundation – year 2023” The documentation consists of: – Call for grants for 2023 – All.1 – Application for the granting of a grant – Annex 2 […]

National Landscape Award 2023, special mention for the Santa Barbara Mining Path

This morning, in Rome, in the Spadolini Room of the Ministry of Culture, the National Landscape Award was assigned, a biennial event now in its fourth edition, during which awards are given to projects that have distinguished themselves in enhancing the territory, for means of safeguarding, management or planning actions, in line with the 4 […]

Graduation Thesis Award 2022 “Giampiero Pinna” Award

Last Saturday, in the Aula Magna of the “Asproni – Fermi” Mining Institute in Iglesias, the final award ceremony of the Degree Thesis Award for the Santa Barbara 2022 “Giampiero Pinna” Mining Path was held, in the presence of the Award Commission, the The Pinna family, the President of the CMSB Foundation Mauro Usai, the […]

Graduation Thesis Award 2022 – Award Ceremony

The award ceremony of the winning degree theses of the second edition of the 2022 “Giampiero Pinna” Thesis Award will be held on Saturday 17 December 2022 starting at 10:30, in the Aula Magna of the “Asproni – Fermi” Mining Institute. PROGRAM AT 10:30 Institutional greetings Presentation of the motivations by the prize commission Awarding […]