Cammino Minerario Di Santa Barbara



Stage 30 - from Bacu Abis to Iglesias

  • Total Length14,7 km
  • Difficulty by FootMedium
  • Travel times5 hours
  • How to arriveInfo and transportation
  • Climb up491 m
  • Climb down386 m

With this last stage, you will return to the starting point of the entire Trail.

Over 40% of the route runs along the railway tracks from Iglesias to Calasetta and from Monteponi to Portovesme.

The alternative route towards Seddas Moddizzis, which lengthens the stage by about 9.5 km, allows to visit a remarkable example of industrial archaeology, including the San Giovanni mine, from whose galleries you can access the splendid Santa Barbara cave.

A further alternative is to cover the last 2.3 km of the stage following the route of the ancient procession from Monteponi to Iglesias.

Safety and useful tips

From the Church of Santa Barbara in Bacu Abis, you have to proceed through the village of Gonnesa, where you need to pay attention to urban traffic.

Then, before arriving in the hamlet of Bindua, you have to follow the route of the old, disused FMS railway, where you will cross a series of passages on the old railway that are exposed to falling on one side. In this section of the route, it is recommended that you always follow the route and do not lean towards the exposed parts.

As you arrive in the outskirts of Iglesias in the area of Cabizza, the route leads to a dirt road that enters the urban area and becomes Via Amelia Melis de Villa. In this stretch of the stage, you must pay attention to vehicular traffic.

For those who wish to try out the alternative route, remember that the stage becomes long and challenging, therefore prepare yourself accordingly.
