Cammino Minerario Di Santa Barbara



Stage 16 - from Domusnovas-Musei to Orbai

  • Total Length25,1 km
  • Difficulty by FootHard
  • Travel times5 hours and 30 minutes
  • How to arriveInfo and transportation
  • Climb up530 m
  • Climb down323 m

While crossing the Cixerri valley, you walk through the agro-pastoral farms of this fertile plain to reach the S'Ortu Mannu natural park, where you can admire some majestic centuries-old olive trees.

The climb up the hills takes you to the Monte Cadelano forest complex, which houses the mining village of Orbai and the abandoned plants of the old mining activity.

Safety and useful tips

After you go past Musei and arrive at the Station of Villamassargia, you need to cross the SP87 road after the overpass to the SS 130. Pay attention to vehicular traffic.

As you arrive in Villamassargia, you have to walk through the residential area, therefore make sure to pay attention to urban traffic.

The route then proceeds to Orbai without any particular difficulties.

If it is not possible to spend the night in Orbai (the Posada is still being set up), you can proceed towards Rosas (arrival of the next stage) by taking the alternative route, which considerably shortens the route of Stage 17.

If you are willing to take this alternative route, it should be remembered that, if you start from Musei, it becomes challenging in any case, given the length to be covered in order to arrive directly in Rosas (24.4 Km), therefore it is advisable to prepare adequately or decide to stay overnight and start from Villamassargia.


The mining village of Orbai has been restored and the old miners' houses will soon be used to host hikers-pilgrims.

For updates on the availability of the structure, contact the Santa Barbara Mining Path Foundation (0781 24132).

While waiting for this service to be activated, two possibilities are suggested:

  • continue on the same day for the next stage, which can be reached in about 5 hours, finding hospitality in the mining village of Rosas;
  • interrupt the stage in S'Ortu Mannu dedicating the afternoon to a stop in the homonymous Natural Park.
