Cammino Minerario Di Santa Barbara



Stage 03 – From Masua to Buggerru

  • Total Length19,3 km
  • Difficulty by FootHard
  • Travel times7 hours
  • How to arriveInfo and transportation
  • Climb up887 m
  • Climb down889 m

This is one of the most challenging stages of the Trail, especially because of the elevation gains.

The effort is compensated for by the extraordinary beauty of the coastal landscape and by the richness of the geological heritage:

In the area of Canal Grande, you can observe the fossil remains of the first life forms that appeared on the planet.

Also of interest are the examples of industrial archaeology: from the old railway, to the loading plant in Cala Domestica, up to the large excavation of Planu Sartu.

In Cala Domestica, you can stop at the Oasi Beach kiosk; the services offered are: catering, transfer service by jeep or dinghy, and guided tours. It is open daily until November 3rd, afterwards only on weekends.

Safety and useful tips

Some passages, particularly along the panoramic route after passing the Cantina Belvedere, are exposed to falling from above - do not lean towards the exposed part and, if necessary, keep to the centre or to the upstream side of the roadway.

While walking this panoramic route, both along the climb towards Monte Nai and in the area of the ruins of the Cantina Belvedere, you will see open excavations of old mineral deposits - do not leave the route to visit such areas, always remain on the path.

The stage is challenging in terms of both length and elevation gains, therefore it is advisable to prepare adequately.

At the end of the stage, you will pass through the asphalted roads of the village of Buggerru, make sure to pay attention to vehicular traffic.
